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All these hosting kinds are segregated on the basis of pricing, computing resources, and technical support. Broadly, there are three prominent web hosting alternatives that a business can have, such as shared web hosting, dedicated server, and VPS hosting services. In this article, you will gain information about these three hosting platforms and their significance in today's business environment: Shared Hosting services are open for all. You can cherry-pick this platform, if you have a website that demands less computing power, security, and support. When multiple clients' websites are hosted on a single server, it is denoted as shared hosting. The server is managed and monitored by the IT teams employed at provider's end. You get only few rights and limited resources to accommodate your business needs. However, shared server is highly prone to attacks. Dedicated Server hosting is an optimum solution for the websites that attract high visitor traffic. For CPU-intensive applications and businesses with no budget constraints - dedicated hosting is considered as the most befitted option. However, in dedicated hosting, your IT professionals should have sufficient expertise to manage the server. The hosting provider will offer you with basic configuration, premium bandwidth, and security. Rest is your responsibility. If you don't have the technical expertise or IT professionals to manage your owned server, you can avail a managed dedicated hosting solution - but that involves a hefty investment. Here, VPS hosting emerges as an appropriate solution. Integrated with the capabilities of both the hosting world - dedicated and shared server, it enables your business to efficiently handle website without compromising on security and compliance needs. Freedom to Select: Virtual private server hosting allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to cherry-pick their customized tools, install software applications, and utilize all the allocated resources depending on your business requirements. Introduce Your Security Credentials: The limitation of shared hosting is the strength of VPS. In shared hosting, you have limited rights, whereas VPS hosting provides you with complete root access to your virtual server. You can introduce your own security protocols to protect your virtual private server against nasty activities. Server Management is no more your Headache: In dedicated server hosting, your IT professionals need to keep a check on your server performance including software patching, software up-gradation, etc. On the contrary, VPS server is managed and maintained by the web host itself. In a nutshell, VPS hosting services from a reliable host can help you to elevate your business performance without asking you to pay hefty amounts. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9035575

Ini Sejarahnya Kota Lud, Tempat Dajjal Terbunuh

“Sesungguhnya Isa Bin Maryam Akan Membunuh Dajjal Di Bab Lud (Gerbang Lod).” (Hr Ahmad, Turmudzi, Dan Nu’Aim Bin Hamad).
Dalam suatu riwayat dikatakan bahwa Nabi Isa Alaihis Salam akan turun kembali ke muka bumi di akhir zaman, dan akan membantu manusia. Ia akan memberangus musuh yang paling nyata, yakni Dajjal.
Ya, sosok Dajjal begitu membahayakan manusia, khususnya kaum Muslimin. Sebab, ia adalah sosok yang mampu menggoyahkan keimanan seseorang.
Apa yang terlihat benar darinya ternyata salah, dan apa yang terlihat salah ternyata benar. Sehingga, banyak orang terkecoh dengan hal ini.
“Tidak ada satu orang kafir pun yang masih hidup, semuanya terbunuh. Lalu, Isa berhasil menyusul Dajjal di Pintu Lod dan membunuhnya. Lalu, beberapa kaum Muslimin diselamatkan Allah ke hadapan Isa bin Maryam. Ia mengusap wajah mereka dan memberitahukan kepada mereka tentang kedudukan mereka di surga.” (HR Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Daud, Turmudzi, Ibnu Majah, dan Hakim).
Dari Mujami bin Jariyah al-Anshari RA, Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Sesungguhnya Isa bin Maryam akan membunuh Dajal di Bab Lud(Gerbang Lod).” (HR Ahmad, Turmudzi, dan Nu’aim bin Hamad).
Oleh sebab itulah, Nabi Isa diutus oleh Allah untuk membunuh Dajjal dan memberi petunjuk pada jalan kebenaran.
Dan dikisahkan bahwa Nabi Isa akan berhasil membunuh Dajjal di gerbang kota Lud. Lantas, seperti apa kota tersebut?
Orang-orang Yahudi memberi nama kota tersebut sebagai Lod. Negara-negara Arab memberikan nama Al-Lud atau Lud. Kota ini tak besar, hanya sekitar 13 kilometer.
Dalam hadis di atas diungkapkan bahwa Dajjal akan dikalahkan Nabi Isa AS di Gerbang Lod. Di manakah letaknya?
Menurut Dr Syauqi Abu Khalil dalam Athlas Hadith al-Nabawi, Lod atau Gerbang Lod adalah kota yang terletak di dekat Baitul Maqdis atau Elia di Palestina dekat Ramalah.
“Dahulu, rombongan kafilah dari Syam (Suriah) yang menuju Mesir singgah di kota ini, begitu juga sebaliknya,” ujar Dr Syauqi.
Pada ribuan tahun yang lalu, kota ini diketahui oleh Diospolis Lydda. Terletak di daerah pusat Israel. Lud terletak sekitar 15 kilometer dari arah tenggara Tel Aviv.
Saat tahun 2011, penduduk kota sekira 70 ribu. 80% dari mereka yaitu orang-orang Yahudi dan sisanya yaitu orang Arab.
Padahal sebelumnya, kota ini diisi oleh orang-orang Arab yang Muslim. Akan tetapi, saat tahun 1948, Israel berhasil menduduki kota tersebut.
Alhasil, banyak penduduk Muslim yang telah dikeluarkan. Selanjutnya mereka memperluas proyek untuk membuat pemukiman Yahudi di wilayah tersebut.
Jikalau kita mempelajari sejarah kota Lud ini, diketahui bahwa kota ini mungkin telah ada sejak 5600 SM.
Hal ini didasarkan saat usia tembikar dan barang-barang arkeologi menemukan sejumlah tempat. Sejarah telah mencatat sejumlah Emperium pernah menaklukkan kota kecil ini.
Pada abad ke-15 SM, kota Lud berkembang sebagai pusat pemikir Yahudi dan perdagangan. Akan tetapi, saat tahun 70 Masehi,
Lud ditaklukkan oleh penguasa Romawi. Pada perang ini, Roma sukses menjadikan penduduk di sana sebagai budak dan menghancurkan kota tersebut.
Saat berada dalam pengaruh kekuasaan Romawi, kebanyakan orang di kota ini menganut agama Kristen.
Tak cuma itu, penguasa Romawi terus berusaha mengkristenkan penduduk yang tinggal di wilayah itu.
Cahaya Islam mulai nampak di kota tersebut saat tentara Islam yang dipimpin oleh Amr Ibn Al-Ash menaklukkan Lud.
Akan tetapi, kemenangan itu tak berlangsung lama. Terjadinya perang salib mampu mengambil alih kembali kota Lud oleh orang-orang Kristen.
Akan tetapi, ketika tentara Islam pada perang salib selanjutnya dipimpin oleh Salahuddin Al-Ayubi, akhirnya mampu merebut kembali kota itu.
Dan seiring berjalannya waktu serta pergantian era, Kekhalifahan Utsmanniyah mulai berkembang.
Hingga 1948 Lud masih terletak di bawah pemerintahan Palestina. Saat itu, populasi penduduk Muslim berjumlah sekitar 20 ribu orang, dan hanya sekitar dua ribu orang Kristen.
Akan tetapi, saat Juli 1948 Israel merebut dan menduduki kota ini seperti dijelaskan di atas.
Sumber: islampos.com

Nowadays there are thousands of web hosting agencies everywhere. They are all trying to sweeten their deals in order to get customers like you. The industry has become really competitive and every company will do whatever they can to stay in business. it is best to shop around in order to get only the best hosting service. At the end you will be the one that will enjoy the experience of a smooth running website. Below are the major factors that will help you to understand future of web hosting offers. Flexible Bandwidth For any business that wants to grow, there should always be a provision for an increase in demand. Except you don't plan to get more customers, then you can stick with 'normal'. As a website owner your aim will always be to attract more viewers to your website. For a blog, you will want more members to flood your site every day. The only way to accommodate as many customers as you want is by using a substantial bandwidth. This means that your web host must have enough of it for you. The best web hosting companies are those that allow you to order for more bandwidth anytime you need it instead of buying in bulk. Since the bandwidth cost money, it is economical to use only the amount that is needed. If not for yourself, you will also be saving the resources of the hosting agency. Only choose a web hosting that can offer you bandwidth whenever you request for it. Buy only when you want to manage traffic on your site. Superior Features and Technology Features are important. They distinguish professional host providers from substandard ones. If you must stay on top of your game, then you certainly need a good web host that can offer all the support for a modern website. Make sure the web hosting company you want to choose can provide you with all the options you need for your website to be efficient and successful. Check out features and technologies like control panel, databases, programming support (scripting language), storage space, and number of allowable sub-domains. Also consider the kind of platform your website will be hosted whether Windows, Mac, or Unix. Sufficient Email service As you already know, efficient communication is vital in order to remain connected. So you should find out the kind of email features offered by the host provider including the limitations. Be sure you are choosing the best web hosting company. Find out if you will have total control over all your email boxes. Secure Location Always opt for web hosts that are remotely located around your target audience. They tend to be more reliable, efficient and easier to get in touch with than those that are not close to you. However your users may include a large community that is not limited by geography. So here you can look for a reputable hosting company that can offer you a secure location with enough security. This will ensure the safety of your files and resources on their server. Apart from the parameters discussed above, you should also ensure that you will get a reliable service. That is why you should get only the best web hosting service. There is no better way to make your online experience an enjoyable one. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9506413

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All these hosting kinds are segregated on the basis of pricing, computing resources, and technical support. Broadly, there are three prominent web hosting alternatives that a business can have, such as shared web hosting, dedicated server, and VPS hosting services. In this article, you will gain information about these three hosting platforms and their significance in today's business environment: Shared Hosting services are open for all. You can cherry-pick this platform, if you have a website that demands less computing power, security, and support. When multiple clients' websites are hosted on a single server, it is denoted as shared hosting. The server is managed and monitored by the IT teams employed at provider's end. You get only few rights and limited resources to accommodate your business needs. However, shared server is highly prone to attacks. Dedicated Server hosting is an optimum solution for the websites that attract high visitor traffic. For CPU-intensive applications and businesses with no budget constraints - dedicated hosting is considered as the most befitted option. However, in dedicated hosting, your IT professionals should have sufficient expertise to manage the server. The hosting provider will offer you with basic configuration, premium bandwidth, and security. Rest is your responsibility. If you don't have the technical expertise or IT professionals to manage your owned server, you can avail a managed dedicated hosting solution - but that involves a hefty investment. Here, VPS hosting emerges as an appropriate solution. Integrated with the capabilities of both the hosting world - dedicated and shared server, it enables your business to efficiently handle website without compromising on security and compliance needs. Freedom to Select: Virtual private server hosting allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to cherry-pick their customized tools, install software applications, and utilize all the allocated resources depending on your business requirements. Introduce Your Security Credentials: The limitation of shared hosting is the strength of VPS. In shared hosting, you have limited rights, whereas VPS hosting provides you with complete root access to your virtual server. You can introduce your own security protocols to protect your virtual private server against nasty activities. Server Management is no more your Headache: In dedicated server hosting, your IT professionals need to keep a check on your server performance including software patching, software up-gradation, etc. On the contrary, VPS server is managed and maintained by the web host itself. In a nutshell, VPS hosting services from a reliable host can help you to elevate your business performance without asking you to pay hefty amounts. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9035575
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All these hosting kinds are segregated on the basis of pricing, computing resources, and technical support. Broadly, there are three prominent web hosting alternatives that a business can have, such as shared web hosting, dedicated server, and VPS hosting services. In this article, you will gain information about these three hosting platforms and their significance in today's business environment: Shared Hosting services are open for all. You can cherry-pick this platform, if you have a website that demands less computing power, security, and support. When multiple clients' websites are hosted on a single server, it is denoted as shared hosting. The server is managed and monitored by the IT teams employed at provider's end. You get only few rights and limited resources to accommodate your business needs. However, shared server is highly prone to attacks. Dedicated Server hosting is an optimum solution for the websites that attract high visitor traffic. For CPU-intensive applications and businesses with no budget constraints - dedicated hosting is considered as the most befitted option. However, in dedicated hosting, your IT professionals should have sufficient expertise to manage the server. The hosting provider will offer you with basic configuration, premium bandwidth, and security. Rest is your responsibility. If you don't have the technical expertise or IT professionals to manage your owned server, you can avail a managed dedicated hosting solution - but that involves a hefty investment. Here, VPS hosting emerges as an appropriate solution. Integrated with the capabilities of both the hosting world - dedicated and shared server, it enables your business to efficiently handle website without compromising on security and compliance needs. Freedom to Select: Virtual private server hosting allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to cherry-pick their customized tools, install software applications, and utilize all the allocated resources depending on your business requirements. Introduce Your Security Credentials: The limitation of shared hosting is the strength of VPS. In shared hosting, you have limited rights, whereas VPS hosting provides you with complete root access to your virtual server. You can introduce your own security protocols to protect your virtual private server against nasty activities. Server Management is no more your Headache: In dedicated server hosting, your IT professionals need to keep a check on your server performance including software patching, software up-gradation, etc. On the contrary, VPS server is managed and maintained by the web host itself. In a nutshell, VPS hosting services from a reliable host can help you to elevate your business performance without asking you to pay hefty amounts. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9035575
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All these hosting kinds are segregated on the basis of pricing, computing resources, and technical support. Broadly, there are three prominent web hosting alternatives that a business can have, such as shared web hosting, dedicated server, and VPS hosting services. In this article, you will gain information about these three hosting platforms and their significance in today's business environment: Shared Hosting services are open for all. You can cherry-pick this platform, if you have a website that demands less computing power, security, and support. When multiple clients' websites are hosted on a single server, it is denoted as shared hosting. The server is managed and monitored by the IT teams employed at provider's end. You get only few rights and limited resources to accommodate your business needs. However, shared server is highly prone to attacks. Dedicated Server hosting is an optimum solution for the websites that attract high visitor traffic. For CPU-intensive applications and businesses with no budget constraints - dedicated hosting is considered as the most befitted option. However, in dedicated hosting, your IT professionals should have sufficient expertise to manage the server. The hosting provider will offer you with basic configuration, premium bandwidth, and security. Rest is your responsibility. If you don't have the technical expertise or IT professionals to manage your owned server, you can avail a managed dedicated hosting solution - but that involves a hefty investment. Here, VPS hosting emerges as an appropriate solution. Integrated with the capabilities of both the hosting world - dedicated and shared server, it enables your business to efficiently handle website without compromising on security and compliance needs. Freedom to Select: Virtual private server hosting allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to cherry-pick their customized tools, install software applications, and utilize all the allocated resources depending on your business requirements. Introduce Your Security Credentials: The limitation of shared hosting is the strength of VPS. In shared hosting, you have limited rights, whereas VPS hosting provides you with complete root access to your virtual server. You can introduce your own security protocols to protect your virtual private server against nasty activities. Server Management is no more your Headache: In dedicated server hosting, your IT professionals need to keep a check on your server performance including software patching, software up-gradation, etc. On the contrary, VPS server is managed and maintained by the web host itself. In a nutshell, VPS hosting services from a reliable host can help you to elevate your business performance without asking you to pay hefty amounts. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9035575
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All these hosting kinds are segregated on the basis of pricing, computing resources, and technical support. Broadly, there are three prominent web hosting alternatives that a business can have, such as shared web hosting, dedicated server, and VPS hosting services. In this article, you will gain information about these three hosting platforms and their significance in today's business environment: Shared Hosting services are open for all. You can cherry-pick this platform, if you have a website that demands less computing power, security, and support. When multiple clients' websites are hosted on a single server, it is denoted as shared hosting. The server is managed and monitored by the IT teams employed at provider's end. You get only few rights and limited resources to accommodate your business needs. However, shared server is highly prone to attacks. Dedicated Server hosting is an optimum solution for the websites that attract high visitor traffic. For CPU-intensive applications and businesses with no budget constraints - dedicated hosting is considered as the most befitted option. However, in dedicated hosting, your IT professionals should have sufficient expertise to manage the server. The hosting provider will offer you with basic configuration, premium bandwidth, and security. Rest is your responsibility. If you don't have the technical expertise or IT professionals to manage your owned server, you can avail a managed dedicated hosting solution - but that involves a hefty investment. Here, VPS hosting emerges as an appropriate solution. Integrated with the capabilities of both the hosting world - dedicated and shared server, it enables your business to efficiently handle website without compromising on security and compliance needs. Freedom to Select: Virtual private server hosting allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to cherry-pick their customized tools, install software applications, and utilize all the allocated resources depending on your business requirements. Introduce Your Security Credentials: The limitation of shared hosting is the strength of VPS. In shared hosting, you have limited rights, whereas VPS hosting provides you with complete root access to your virtual server. You can introduce your own security protocols to protect your virtual private server against nasty activities. Server Management is no more your Headache: In dedicated server hosting, your IT professionals need to keep a check on your server performance including software patching, software up-gradation, etc. On the contrary, VPS server is managed and maintained by the web host itself. In a nutshell, VPS hosting services from a reliable host can help you to elevate your business performance without asking you to pay hefty amounts. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9035575